It is the policy of the School Committee that when any non-instructional position is created or  becomes vacant, the position will be filled with the best qualified candidate.

The Superintendent is hereby designated as the agent of the School Committee to develop such  procedures as are necessary under the law to carry out this policy and to employ, appoint,  assign, annually evaluate, promote, transfer, accept resignations and terminate non instructional staff in accordance with this and other applicable policies of the School  Committee. Such actions are to be reported to the School Committee on a regular basis.

While the preferences of employees shall be taken into consideration in assignments and  transfers, the best interest of students and the School Department will be given priority.

This policy applies to full and part time support staff positions and to coaching and other  extra/co-curricular, part time/extra-duty positions.


Adopted:            September 3, 1991

Revised:             July 5, 1994;  January 17, 2012

Reviewed by PC:  October 17, 2024

Cross Reference: 

AC - Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity

GDA - Support Staff Positions