The Kittery School District shall employ personnel in positions that function to support the educational program of the schools. All such support staff positions in the school system shall be established initially by the School Committee. For each new position, the School Committee will review an initial job description as prepared by the Superintendent.
Support staff employees shall be those who work in the following general areas:
A. Secretarial staff
B. Educational technicians
C. Custodial/Maintenance staff
D. School Nutrition staff, lunch/recess staff, and bus monitors
E. Coaches
F. Other extra/co-curricular, part-time, extra-duty positions, lunch, recess, and bus monitors
Athletic and other extracurricular positions may be filled from within or outside the Kittery School District. although teacher participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular stipend activities shall be voluntary; the School Committee encourages them to apply for these positions. Appointments to such positions will be for one year only. Stipends for these positions will be in accordance with the collective bargaining agreement between the Kittery School Committee and the Kittery Education Association.
Although support staff positions may remain temporarily unfilled, or the number of persons holding the same type of position reduced in event of de-staffing requirements, only the School Committee may abolish a position that it has created.
Adopted: September 17, 1985
Revised: June 6, 2006; January 17, 2012; October 15, 2024