The School Committee recognizes that sharing of accurate information about current and former Kittery School Department employees with prospective employers is generally in the best interest of the School Department and other school systems as well as employees seeking new employment, but that such disclosures may be restricted by state confidentiality laws and liability concerns.  The Superintendent may respond to reference inquiries concerning School Department employees or former employees who are seeking employment elsewhere as provided in this policy.

The Superintendent and Human Resource Personnel are authorized to provide written or oral references concerning a current or former Kittery School Department employee only if the employee has signed the Authorization to Disclose Information/Release of Claims/Indemnity document attached to this policy.  If no such Authorization has been executed, the School Department shall disclose only “directory information” as defined in 20-A MRSA § 6101.  The original signed Authorization shall be retained permanently in the employee’s personnel file.

If the Authorization is revoked in writing by the employee, no further references, apart from directory information, shall be provided with respect to the employee, and both the written revocation and the Authorization shall be retained in the personnel file.

This policy shall apply to both professional and non-professional school unit employees.

Adopted: February 7, 2012

Revised: November 20, 2012

Cross Reference: GCQC - Resignation of School Department Employees

Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA § 6101

26 MRSA § 598