I, ____________________________, hereby request and authorize the Kittery School Department and its past, present, and future School Committees, School Committee members, employees, and agents, both in their individual and official capacities, (hereinafter separately and collectively referred to as the “School Department”) to provide any information which is directly or indirectly related to my employment and the termination of my employment with the Kittery School Department including without limitation information which would otherwise be confidential by statute, contract or otherwise, to anyone making an inquiry regarding my seeking employment. Such information may include facts or opinions about my performance, character, conduct, both at and apart from school activities, and my suitability for various employment positions. The School Department may provide such information in response to either oral or written requests and may rely on the oral representation of the person requesting information that I am seeking employment. I understand and agree that the School Department is not required to either notify me when it provides such information or review such information with me and that it does not plan on doing so.
In consideration for the School Department providing such information, I, for myself, my heirs, successors, assigns, and personal representatives, expressly waive and release the School Department from any and all claims, including without limitation claims for defamation, emotional distress, invasion of privacy, violations of constitutional rights, violations of statutes or interference with contractual relations (and including claims based on or alleging negligence) which in any way arise out of the School Department providing the information described above, and I also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the School Department from any and all expenses, including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees which the School Department may incur as a result of any such claims by me or others. This is not a mutual release; it does not operate as a release of any present or future claims of the School Department against me.
This authorization/release/indemnity shall remain in effect until receipt by the School Department of a written revocation from me.
___________________________________________ __________________
Signature Date
Reviewed PC: December 13, 2011