The Superintendent shall plan, implement and supervise an evaluation system for all administrative personnel.  A report shall be made to the School Committee annually in Executive Session, on the performance of all administrators, with recommendations regarding their employment and/or salary status.


Formal evaluations shall be made at least once a year, but more often during the first three years in an administrative capacity.  They shall be conducted according to the following guidelines:


A. Evaluative criteria for each position shall be in written form and made permanently available to the administrator;

B. Evaluations shall be made by the Superintendent or immediate supervisor;

C.    Results of the evaluations shall be put in writing and shall be discussed with the administrator;

D.    The administrator being evaluated will have the right to attach a memorandum to the written evaluation; and

E.     Results of all evaluations shall be kept in confidential personnel files maintained at the Superintendent’s office.



Adopted:               December 6, 2011

Reviewed by PC:         May 16, 2022

Legal Reference:         Ch. 125 §§ 4.02(E)(3), 8.08 (Maine Department of Education Rule)