A well-planned and systematic program of supervision and evaluation of performance tied to educational outcomes is vital to the ongoing improvement of the instructional program. It is the School Committee’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient administrative time and energy are expended to supervise (observe and assist) and evaluate (measure and assess) teachers. The evaluation program addresses all aspects of teaching performance and recognizes that the fulfillment of student needs is of primary importance.
The Superintendent is responsible for development, implementation and periodic review of a comprehensive program of supervision and evaluation, which is adopted by the School Committee. The program provides for minimum standards for the number and frequency of formal performance reviews, with the understanding that probationary teachers require closer support and more frequent performance reviews. Probationary teachers must be evaluated at least once annually during their probationary period.
A. Criteria used for evaluation are in written form and made permanently available to the teacher;
B. Evaluations are to be made by an immediate supervisor/administrator or by other trained evaluator designated by the Superintendent of Schools;
C. Results of the evaluation and observation must be discussed with the teacher;
D. The professional staff member being evaluated has the right to attach a memorandum to the written evaluation; and
E. Results of all evaluations are kept in confidential personnel files maintained at the Superintendent’s office.
In keeping with the School Committee’s goal of employing the best qualified staff to provide quality education for all students, all teachers are expected to participate fully in the evaluation process, self-appraisal and continuous improvement of professional skills.
While supervision and evaluation policies and procedures are not negotiable in collective bargaining, the Superintendent is to seek appropriate involvement of staff in the development and periodic review of the supervision and evaluation program.
Adopted: January 7, 1985
Revised: September 3, 1991
July 5, 1994;
December 6, 2011
February 3, 2015
July 19, 2022
December 19, 2023
Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §§ 1055, 13201; 13701-13706, 13802
Me. Dept. of Ed. Rule Ch. 125 §§ 4.02(E) (3), 8.08