In order to ensure that each school is well staffed with effective teachers, the basic consideration in the assignment of professional personnel will be the needs of students and the instructional program. 


It will be the policy of the School Committee that personnel be assigned on the basis of their qualifications, the needs of the Kittery School Department, and their expressed desires.  When it is not possible to meet all of these conditions, an employee will be assigned first in accordance with school system needs—where the administration  believes  the employee is most qualified to serve —and the employee’s qualifications.


A building principal in consultation with the Superintendent/designee, will have the authority to assign classes and courses, provided this is done with full regard to the teacher’s area of certification and School Committee policies.  He/she will also recommend to the Superintendent assignments to stipend positions in his/her school.


A transfer, reassignment, or special assignment may be requested by any employee, which will be given due consideration in accordance with the provisions of this policy.



Adopted:                September 3, 1991


Revised:                     July 5, 1994;   December 6, 2011


Cross Reference:         GCP - Professional Staff Promotions and Reclassifications