Job sharing means two Kittery teachers will share one full time teaching position.  It is distinct from team teaching which requires both teachers to be on the job full time.  It is also distinct from part time teaching where the position itself calls for less than a full time teacher.


The School Committee recognizes that flexibility in employment practices can be mutually beneficial to the staff and the student body.  Each job share proposal will be reviewed with the maintenance of a high quality of instruction and services to students as the primary factors.


All job share proposals will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be approved only when the applicant(s) has demonstrated that the best interest of the Kittery School Department will be served.  Any proposal granted will be on a one-year basis only, and may be extended beyond that time at the discretion of the Committee.  Proposals for job sharing must be approved by the building principal and be received by the Superintendent by March 1 of the school year prior to the year for which application is being made.  At the discretion of the Superintendent of Schools, proposals of an emergency nature may be considered after the March 1 deadline.  Applications will include purpose and reasons for the request.  The Kittery School Committee will review and approve or disapprove applications presented to them.


A.  Each employee in a job share position will be paid the prorated amount of the place on the pay scale that they would normally occupy if they were employed in a non-job share position.  Benefits will be prorated, and are not transferable.  A full time teaching position will remain full time when job shared.


B.  Teachers in a job share position will fulfill all required professional responsibilities in accordance with the provisions of the teacher contract and as determined by building administration.  Per diem salary will be paid accordingly for days worked.


C.  The School Committee will review requests when two teachers jointly submit a proposal that includes precise statements concerning:


1.     The division of responsibilities between the teaching partners;

2.     Time scheduling;

3.     Provisions for communications between the teaching partners;

4.     Provisions for communications between the teaching partners and the rest of the staff;

5.     Benefits to students;

6.     Benefits to the teaching partners; and

7.     Benefits to the school system.

Proposals will be evaluated based upon the following criteria:

1.     Advantages and disadvantages to students;

2.     Advantages and disadvantages to the school system;

3.     Estimated probability of success, and the basis for this estimate; and

4.     Other administrative concerns.      

Adopted:        June 16, 1998

Revised:         May 2, 2006

Reviewed PC: December 13, 2011