These procedures implement the Kittery School Committee’s policy GCFB. They are designed to establish a thorough, efficient and nondiscriminatory practice for the recruiting and hiring of the most qualified candidates for administrative positions.
A. Job Description Development/Review
To ensure that a written role description of the vacant position accurately represents the current functions and needs, the Superintendent/designee (the Kittery School Committee in a Superintendent search) is to:
1. Conduct a review of (if none exists, develop) the job description, with input from persons affected by the position;
2. Include the criteria (skills, knowledge, abilities) required to perform the duties/responsibilities of the position; and
3. List the minimum qualifications (training, education and experience) for the position but encourage individuals to apply who may not meet all of the qualifications.
B. Recruitment
To attract a strong pool of qualified candidates, the Superintendent/designee is to advertise (except in the circumstances described in K below) by:
1. Posting notice of the vacancy within the unit;
2. Placing an advertisement in appropriate media; and
3. Identifying and notifying other possible sources of potential candidates, such as professional associations, educational administration programs and placement offices at colleges and universities in Maine and other states, and the Maine Department of Education.
C. Screening
To ensure that a fair and efficient screening process will occur, the Superintendent/designee is to:
1. Ensure that all applications are reviewed by more than one individual, with attention given to an unbiased regard for the criteria and qualifications in the job description;
2. Appoint a screening panel with representation as deemed appropriate to the particular vacancy;
3. Provide orientation on confidentiality and equity issues to screeners;
4. Eliminate all candidates who do not meet the minimum qualifications;
5. Conduct preliminary reference checks, as appropriate;
6. Select candidates for interview based on the degree to which they meet the criteria and demonstrate the skills, knowledge and abilities outlined in the job description; and
7. Notify applicants not selected for interview.
D. Interviewing
To ensure that the interview process will be conducted in a legal and proper manner, the Superintendent/designee is to:
1. Appoint an interview panel (may be the same persons who serve the screening function) with representation as deemed appropriate to the particular vacancy;
2. Provide orientation on the process including the function and extent of responsibility of the panel, the weighting of criteria and the nomination/hiring procedure; and
3. Conduct training to ensure that panel members are aware of the legal aspects of interviewing, including confidentiality and equity issues.
The interviewing panel is to:
1. Design interview questions which match the criteria and the duties/responsibilities outlined in the job description; and
2. Provide equal opportunity for the candidates to respond to the same questions/questioners.
E. Selection
The interview panel is to:
1. Individually assess the candidates according to their answers to the job description-related questions, rating and commenting on each using a specially prepared form corresponding to the questions/criteria; and
2. Submit a report to the Superintendent, including the individual rating forms as well as a list (usually 2 to 4) of candidates to be considered further for the position.
The Superintendent/designee is to:
1. Have reference contacts made, as appropriate, to check perceived strengths and weaknesses of the candidates;
2. Review the material on the finalist candidates to determine whether additional information is needed;
3. Conduct final interviews of any or all finalists, as deemed necessary;
4. Select the most qualified candidate who fits the criteria and the duties/responsibilities outlined in the job description, based on his/her own professional judgment along with those of the interview panel (or, reject all finalists, reopen the position and begin the process anew); and
5. Have any further reference checks made, as appropriate.
F. Nomination/Employment
The Superintendent is to:
1. Notify and obtain agreement of the successful candidate, pending School Committee approval;
2. Inform the interview panel; and
3. Nominate and employ the successful candidate in accordance with state law and local policies.
G. Notification
The Superintendent/designee may:
1. Notify the nominee of the School Committee approval and employ the administrator; and
2. Notify the other candidates interviewed.
H. Orientation and Support
To ensure that the new administrator is provided with the proper information about the system and job expectations, the Superintendent/designee is to provide an orientation that includes expectations of the duties/responsibilities of the position along with the policies and procedures of the local school unit.
I. Record Keeping
To ensure that the confidentiality of employee and applicant records are properly maintained, the Superintendent is to provide for the maintenance in secure files of all applications and documentation of the hiring, screening and interviewing process for a period of three (3) years.
J. Confidentiality
To ensure that confidentiality is maintained throughout and permanently following the hiring process, the School Committee, all employees involved, and any other participants are to maintain absolute confidentiality about candidates, including names, in accordance with state law (20-A MRSA § 6101). The School Committee is to assume responsibility through the Superintendent for providing adequate orientation at appropriate stages of the process, including at the completion.
K. Hiring of Current Employees
The school unit may forego one or more of the steps set forth in sections B-E of this procedure and appoint a person who is currently employed by the unit to fill an administrative position only if the Superintendent, after consultation with the School Committee, or the School Committee in a Superintendent search, determines that the following circumstances exist:
1. The currently employed candidate is exceptionally well qualified for the position; and
2. The decision to forego all or part of the recruitment and screening process will not detract from the goals of this policy.
Adopted: January 18, 2005
Revised: January 15, 2013; October 15, 2024