In accordance with Policy GCF (Professional Staff Hiring), the Kittery School District shall adhere to the following procedure when hiring professional staff:

1. Posting the Vacancy:
The vacancy will be posted to ensure that it reaches a wide audience locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. This may include but is not limited to online job boards, professional networks, and educational publications.

2. Application Review:
Applications will be received through the District's recruiting and hiring module in the Frontline platform. Appropriate personnel will review completed and submitted applications to ensure candidates meet the required qualifications.

3. Selection of Strongest Applicants:
Appropriate personnel will select the strongest applicants based on the qualifications and experience outlined in their applications. These candidates will be invited to participate in an interview.

4. Interview Panels:
Interview panels may consist of a combination of professional and support staff, administrators, caregivers, and, in some cases, students. The composition of the panel will reflect the needs of the position and the district.

5. Interview Process:
The interview process will focus on a set of predetermined, effective questions for each candidate, ensuring consistency and fairness. Candidates and panelists may ask follow-up questions for clarification as needed.

6. Recommendation of Finalist(s):
Following a thorough vetting process including a comprehensive reference check, the interview panel will recommend one or, in some cases, after a thorough reference check two candidates who emerge as the strongest among the interviewees, based on their performance in the interview and alignment with district needs.

7. Superintendent Interview:
The superintendent of schools shall interview the candidate(s) moved forward by the interview panel. The superintendent will then decide whether to nominate a candidate from this smaller pool or to re-open the position to seek additional prospects.

8. School Committee Approval:
The superintendent’s nomination of a candidate will be presented to the school committee for approval at their next business meeting. The school committee will take action on the nomination in accordance with district policies.

9. Issuance of Employment Contract:
Upon approval by the school committee, the superintendent of schools will issue an employment contract to the selected candidate, finalizing the hiring process.

Hiring of Current Employees

The Kittery School District may forego one or more of the steps set forth in sections 3 - 7 of this procedure and appoint a person who is currently employed by the District to fill a position only if the Superintendent determines that the following circumstances exist:


1. The currently employed candidate is exceptionally well qualified for the position; and

2. The decision to forego all or part of the recruitment and screening process will not detract from the goals of this policy.

This procedure outlines a structured, inclusive, and transparent process for hiring professional staff in the Kittery School District.

Adopted:  October 15, 2024